Sue Spaid
Sue Spaid
Ecovention website
Curatorial Work
Abington Art Center and Sculpture Park, Jenkintown, PA (2007-2009)
Hovering Above (2008)
Global Suburbia: Meditations on the World of the 'Burbs (2008)
Global Suburbia Brochure
Global Suburbia Installation Shots
Endurance: Daring Feats of Risk, Survival and Perseverance (2009)
Endurance: Visualizing Time (2009)
Abington Art Center Revisited (2017)
ADN Platform, Barcelona, ES (2019-2020)
"Fingers Crossed" images
Fingers Crossed Reviews
"Fingers Crossed" Online Reviews
English Translation "art per un futur verd"
"Fingers Crossed" review ABC Cultural 12/28/19
English Translation "Contro todo Prognóstico"
Contemporary Arts Center, OH (1999-2002 & 2012)
Antoni Tàpies (2000)
An Active Life (2000)
An Active Life brochure
An Active Life Installation Shots
Sprawl (2002)
Ecovention: Current Art to Transform Ecologies (2002)
Green Acres: Artists Farming Fields, Greenhouses and Abandoned Lots (2012-2013)
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
Arlington Arts Center, Arlington, VA and American University Museum, Washington, DC
Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD (2010-2012)
New View window series
Baltimore Liste
LOL: A Decade of Antic Art (2011)
LOL Brochure
LOL Installation Shots
De Domijnen Hedendaagse Kunst (2016-2018)
Ecovention Europe intro panels
English Intro Panel
Dutch Intro Panel
Ecovention Europe demonstrations
Ecovention Europe exhibition images
Valuing Anew
Urban Infrastructure/Environmental Justice
Climate Change
Food Security
Ecovention Europe online press
Ecovention Europe Print Press
Anne Berk review
HArt Review
Butterfly Heritage Orchard
The Gallery at the Summit Hotel (2023), Co-curated with Linda Schwartz
Circles, Squiggles, and Lines
Twenty Years Ago Today, Summer/Fall 2023
From Fire to Table, NCECA 2023
Art for Food, Spring 2023
Internationales Waldkunst Zentrum (2018)
KunstÖkologies (2018)
KunstÖkologies catalog essay
Ecovention Europe (Portable Version) (2018)
In Situ Exhibitions
Working Out the Kinks, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (1997)
Comestible Compost, Pavilions, Los Angeles (1998)
Cremolata Flotage, Andrew J. Barbieri Ferry (1999)
Poolside, Traymore Hotel, Miami (2006)
Migrations Platform (2007)
Migrations Platform Text
Nan Rae Gallery Woodbury (2019)
What's More Real than Flesh?
What's More Real Than Flesh catalogue
Santa Monica Museum of Art, CA (1995)
Action Station: Exploring Open Systems (1995)
Action Station essay
Action Station Installation Shots
Sue Spaid Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA (1990-1995)
Reunited and it Feels so Good
Chateau Marmont Art Fair (1994)
Solo Exhibitions
Windowbox, Mechelen, BE (2018-2019)
De Wind Deed Het (2018)
Climate Surprise (Jan-May 2019)
Vernissage (Jan)
Heating Up (10 Feb)
Sun Rays (Mar)
Longest Day (May)
Climate Surprise Brochures
Phase Four: Longest Day
Phase One: Climate Suprise
Phase Three: Sunrays
Exhibition Highlights
Online Lectures/Interviews
Published Texts
Aeqai- Cincinnati-based Online Art Journal
Judy Chicago, New Museum/Brooklyn Museum, 2023
Transfer Moving
Groundswell, Nasher Museum, 2023
Picasso Landscapes, Cincinnati Art Museum, 2023
Maria Bartuszová, Tate Modern, 2023
Gego, Guggenheim, 2022
Simone Forti, LAMOCA, 2023
Another World, LACMA, 2023
Ceramicus Sculptus, Krohn Conservatory, 2023
Ecologies of Elsewhere, CAC, 2023
Monet-Mitchell, Louis Vuitton 2022
Barbara Chase Riboud, Pulitzer Foundation, 2022
Your Tongue Here (2023 Nordic Society for AesthetIcs)
The World Worth Making: Implementing Care Aesthetics to Boost Wellbeing (2022 Enrahonar)
On Work's Perdurance (2022, Rivista di Estetica)
Mad Men and Pop Art (2022, Routledge Danto Companion)
Enacting Gifts: Performances on Par with Art Experiences (2021, Aesthetic Investigations)
Value Disgust: Appreciating Stench’s Role in Attention, Deception and Retention (2021, Rivista di Estetica)
Review of Bence Nanay's Aesthetics as Philosophy of Perception (2020 Aesthetic Investigations)
Emotion and Empirical Aesthetics (2020, Aesthetic Investigations)
Viewing Rooms (July 2020, AICA US Magazine)
Surfing the Public Square (2019, Open Philosophy)
To Be Performed: Recognizing Performances of Visual Art as Goodmanean “Instances” (2019, ESA)
What's So Authentic About Restoration (2019, Aesthetic Investigations)
Popular Culture and Wellbeing (2019, Journal of Somaesthetics)
Collaboration in 21st Century book review (2019, JAAC)
Danto's Nine Contents (2018, Arte y Filosofía ebook)
Extra Perceptual Contents (2018, ESA)
Bellissima (2018, Popular Inquiry)
Cognitive Penetrability of Perception book review (2018, JAAC)
Danto´s artworld: Where nine indiscernible red squares yield nine distinct contents (2016)
Revisiting Ventzislavov's Thesis (2016, JAAC)
Aesthetics is the Philosophy of our Wordless World (2015, AI)
Being Here (2014, Living Philosophers: Arthur Danto)
Isness (2006, Pacific APA & X-TRA)
A Political Life: Arendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems (2003, Ethics & the Environment)
Beauty as Duty (1999, More or Less)
Cyberspace Race (1999, Art Papers)
Art in America
Dak'Art '96 (1997, Art in America)
artUS Articles
Nancy Holt Wallach Art Gallery Columbia University
Roxanne Pérez-Méndez PAFA
Liza Ryan William Griffin Gallery
Cecilia Paredes North American Cultural Center of Lima
Jennifer Levonian Fleisher/Ollman Gallery
Age of Empire: Theory in the Aughties
Jonathan Horowitz MoMA/PS1
Diane Burko
U-Turn Copenhagen
Laurel Nakadate
Global Warming
Martin Margiela MoMu
Manifesta 7
Carnegie International 2008
Mark Harris
Jorge Pardo
The Land Foundation
Summer of Love
Richard Shusterman
Situationist International
Victor Grippo
The Experiential Paradigm
ASA Presentations
Taking a Re-Peek at the Ecovention Movement, 'No Place Like Her,' FCC Panel, ASA 2020
Aesthetics of Care
Catalog Essays
Stewart Goldman (2023, Art Academy Cincinnati)
AnneMarie Maes (2022, Hamburg Maschine)
Avelino Sala (2021, Naturalezas Muertas)
Felix Kindermann 2020
Ulrika Sparre (2020, Index Stockholm)
Antoni Tàpies (2020, Almine Rech Brussels)
Antoni Tàpies (2019, Almine Rech Magazine)
431 Art (2019, Urban Plants)
Thinking Like Forests (2018 Internationales Waldkunst Zentrum)
Kaat Van Doren (2018, Galerie Annick Ketele, Brasschaat, BE)
Lieve Van Stappen (2018 MHKA)
Coleen Sterrit (2018, Museum of Art and History, Lancaster CA)
Casey Cook (2014, Light Art + Design)
Caroline Lathan Stiefel (2014, Philadelphia Art Alliance)
Jacci Den Hartog (2012, Rosamund Felsen Gallery)
Following a Line (2012, Girls' Club Ft. Lauderdale)
Does the Top Need the Bottom? (States of Transition, 2011)
Presence (2006, Speed Museum)
Judith Yourman (SUNY Buffalo 1999)
Los Angeles Avant-Garde (1998, UKS Forum, Oslo)
Strappy Sandals and Skinny Belts (1995, Victoria Room and 1996, Pacific Design Center Museum)
Dance Theory
Rudy Perez "Accumulation of Language" (1992)
Duchamp Scholarship
Philosophy of Curatorial Practice: Between Work and World, 2020
Dancing Around the Bride PMA 2012:Barbican 2013, Hart 2013
Dahlia Judovitz Duchamp Delayed, artUS 2012
Visual Inquiry into Perception (2011) (essay)
Visual Inquiry into Perception (2011) (pdf of ppt)
Marcel Duchamp, Etant Donées PMA 2009, artUS 2010
Out of this World, the book, Neiman Marcus 1907-2007
Environmental Aesthetics and Eco-Art
Plant Intelligence (2023 Ecocide)
Taking Climate Change Seriously: The Values Approach (2023, Global Climate Justice)
Bocage (2021 France GNAP Residency)
Learning to Protect life: Tracing the Lineage from Conquistadors to Extinction & BLM (2021, Breathe)
Bees, Art and Biodiversity (2020, The Learned Pig)
Tying Hydrological Justice to Climate Justice (2020, Rivista di Estetica)
"Farming Awareness" (2012/2020,The Learned Pig)
"The Aesthetic Enchantment Approach" (2020, Journal of Somaesthetics)
"Artisanal Soil," (2018, From Field to Palette)
Ecoventions as Participatory Art (2018, Art Inquiry)
Green Design vs. Ecoart (2018, Advancements in the Philosophy of Design)
Sustainable Art (2016, Wroczław University)
Kinship Model (2016, Philosophica)
The 0 km Movement: Everyday Eaters Enjoying Edible Environments (2016, Journal of Somasthetics)
Biodiversity: As a Bio-indicator (2015, Rivista di Estetica)
Essay from An Edge Effect (2014)
Green Up! (2009, ETC)
Smithson Asphalt Rundown (2007, Domus)
Ecoventions qua an Arendtian Account of Freedom, Action and Miracles (2003)
A Political Life: Arendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems (2003, Ethics & Environment)
Land Art, etc. (2002, Ecovention)
Survival Strategies (2001, New Art Examiner)
Luc Tuymans, Louvre Paris, 2024
Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum, KM 21 Den Haag, 2024
Mikołaj Sobczak, Jester Genk, 2024
Lucia Moholy, Kunsthalle Praha, 2024
Genossin Sonne, Kunsthal Wien, 2024
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Bonnefanten Museum, 2024
Rebecca Horn, Haus der Kunst Munich, 2024
Sherrie Levine 2024
The Great Repair (Glean 2024)
H Art Reviews
Giacomo Balla (English translation of HArt article)
Giacomo Balla (Flemish) @ Casa Balla, Roma
Felix Kindermann @ Kunsthal Gent
Lee Krasner (English translation of HArt article)
Lee Krasner (Flemish) @ Guggenheim Bilbao
Review Katinka Bok @ Galerie Greta Meert
Generation Brussels: Interview with Evelyn Simons
The Joys and Perils of Tasting Exhibitions @ Tinguely Museum
Tinka Pittoors @ Galerie La Forest Divonne
Zhang Enli @ Xavier Hufkens
Harald Szeemann @ ICA LA and Getty Research Institute
Hito Steyerl/Martha Rosler @ Kunstmuseum Basel
Revolution in Making @ Hauser Wirth LA
Steiner/Lenzlinger @ MSK
Agnes Varda @ Musée Ixelles
Greater New York @ MoMAPS1
A.N.T.H.R.O.P.O.C.E.N.E. @ Meesen DeClercq
Jim Shaw @New Museum
Walid Raad @MoMA
Dismaland Bristol UK
Jesper Just @Palais de Tokyo
Le Corbusier @Pompidou Paris
Agnes Martin @Tate Modern
Carsten Holler @Hayward Gallery
Bjork @MoMA
Robert Overby @Le Consortium
Olafur Eliasson @ Louis Vuitton Fdn
Turner Prize @Tate Britain
Robert Gober @MoMA
Francois Morellet @SMAK
Allegory of the Cave Painting @Extra City
Photo Practices in the Studio @MoMA
Robert Heinecken @MoMA & Wiels
Bill Viola @Grand Palais
Italian Futurism @Guggenheim
Whitney Biennial 2014
Franz Erhard Walther @Wiels
Parreno Huyghe in Paris
Chris Burden @New Museum
M.K. Čiurlionus @MSK Ghent
Rachel Harrison @SMAK
When Attitudes Became Form @Prada Venezia
Claes Oldenburg @MoMA
Expo 1 @MoMA PS1
iPad Memories
Space Electronic (Gruppo 9999) (1972/2017)
2014 Surprises
2013 Surprises
Best of Cincinnati
Going to every length possible to present a pavilion.